
Things to Do in Monticello, IN

Before you arrive here on your vacation, you'll probably want to know what you can do! We have the perfect shortlist for you to read.
Indiana Beach
Indiana Beach

The Indiana Beach Amusement Park is one of the most popular tourist attractions near the Lighthouse Lodge, and with good reason. This stunning amusement park has a ton of coasters, restaurants, and activities you and the whole family can enjoy!
Lake Shafer
Lake Shafer

You can't visit Monticello without spending some time on the lake. If you rent a boat (and any other necessary equipment), you'll be able to spend time water skiing, swimming, fishing, or just boating around. This is a must-do.
Monticello, IN Downtown
Monticello, IN Downtown

If you want to explore a new city, Monticello is for you! The downtown area has a historical district, restaurants, souvenir shops, and a farmer's market. It's a ton of fun, and a great way to break up your vacation from the usual boating and sunbathing.
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